Dubai Hills Park Heights Square 1 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | |
Dubai | |
+971566925610 | | |
UN1T’s training is designed around a sole purpose – to improve each member’s individual performance. How do we guarantee this? We continually track and test the performance of each member…numbers do not lie. Not only do we keep you accountable for your results but also ourselves. As performance improves so too does body composition – we believe this a MUCH healthier approach to fitness that promotes mental well-being and longevity. At UN1T you will sweat, but it will not be without an extremely well-thought-out plan. We build bodies not break them. Our training method follows meticulously structured cycles that lead members through 3 different phases each with different goals. Our system is the same one that athletes use to achieve results – if you trust the process, you will be amazed at what you can achieve with UN1T.